Warning: Fake vacancies of Belsimpel/Gomibo are circulating on the internet. We do not hire candidates without a physical interview in our office or stores.

Why do we exist?
Carefree use of your beloved smartphone or gadget.
How do we do that?
By offering fair and transparent insurance at an affordable price. An insurance you would recommend to friends and family.
What do we do?
With our insurance company Tulip Assist, we are also changing the telecom world in the field of insurance. Mobile phone insurances are often expensive, and come with poor conditions or lots of fine print. We have set up our own insurance company to provide customer-oriented insurance, that is both affordable, transparent and genuinely good. The insurance, the collection, the claim evaluation and the logistic process are all under one roof. An efficient process that results in lower costs and higher customer satisfaction.

Take a look at the website www.tulipassist.nl and get to know our device insurances.

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